State Council for IT and e-Governance

About Us

State Council for IT & e-Governance (SCITeG) is an initiative taken by the Government of Arunachal Pradesh as per the capacity guidelines formulated by the Planning Commission & Department of Information Technology (Government of India). SCITeG is responsible for undertaking the groundwork for providing an overall direction, standardization and consistency through program management of the e-Governance initiatives in the state of Arunachal Pradesh. State Council for IT & e-Governance (Department of IT) was bifurcated from State Council for Sc & Technology on November 2011.

That the SCITeG – an autonomous body under the Government of Arunachal Pradesh, which functions as Directorate of Information Technology, is created to support the Leadership and Vision Level(Program Steering Council/Apex Committee) and function as the secretariat and full time internal advisory body in undertaking e-Governance projects. All interdependencies, overlaps, conflicts, standards, overarching architecture, security, legal aspects, etc. across projects as well as core and support infrastructure shared across several projects would fall under the scope of work of SCITeG. The main purpose of the SCITeG is to monitor and implement the on-going and up-coming projects.